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SLUMA Permanent Collection

Artist Title Action
Adam Emory Albright Children on a Rock
Adam Emory Albright Children on the Seashore with Lobstermen
Horst Antes Horst 2
Horst Antes Figure with Red Hat
Francis Bacon Affiche Avant Letters No. 99
Enrico Baj L' Homme Sans Lollipop (detail)
Enrico Baj Untitled (detail)
Enrico Baj Fiodorovitch Michel III, The First Tsar of the Romanov Family (detail)
Ludoph Bakhuysen Wife of Artist (detail)
Ludoph Bakhuysen Self Portrait of Artist (detail)
Frederic Benrath Le Porte des Voyages s'est Refermee (detail)
Giovanni (Antonio) Bilivert Artist's study, Faces and Hands (detail)
John Bjerklie Wrestling Angel (detail)
Lee Bontecou Untitled (from Ten from Leo Castelli) (detail)
Joseph H. Boston River Landscape
Paul Henry Brach Charade (detail)
Eugene Brands Untitled (Composition in yellow, black, grey, blue and red) (detail)
Carlyle Brown Fiasco (detail)
Bernard Buffet Pont De La Concorde (detail)
Angelo Cagnone Personaggi (detail)
Domenico Caldara Male Nude (detail)
Alexander Calder Travaux D'Acier (detail)
Gerald Callot Seracs (detail)
Galeazzo Campi The Nativity
Massimo Campigli Les Fenetres (detail)
Giuseppe Capogrossi Superficie 206 (detail)
Lodovico Carracci The Cupola in Parma Cathedral (detail)
Bruno Caruso Gelataio (Ice Cream Seller) (detail)
Mary Cassatt Looking into the Hand-Mirror III (detail)
Albert Rafols Cassamada Untitled (detail)
Lynn Chadwick Reclining Form (detail)
Marc Chagall Woman with Flowers (detail)
Marc Chagall L' Inspire (detail)
Marc Chagall Le Clown Fluer (detail)
Marc Chagall Le Ciel des Armoureux (detail)
John Chamberlain Flashback III (detail)
Charles Bosseron Chambers Thy Will Be Done (detail)
Jean Charlot Nativity (detail)
Jean Charlot The Bather (detail)
Dale Chihuly Untitled
Dale Chihuly Untitled
Eduardo Chillida Vers L' Est (detail)
Chu Teh Chun (zhu Degun) Untitled (detail)
Chu Teh Chun (zhu Degun) Crepuscule D' Automne (Autumn Twilight) (detail)
Nicolai Cikovsky Lunch Break (detail)
Antonio Clave La Peintre Flamand (detail)
Sebastiano Conca Marriage Ceremony
Paul Cornoyer Paris Street Scene (detail)
Jean-Baptiste-Emille Corot Untitled (Landscape)
Jean-Baptiste-Emille Corot Reed Gatherers
Antonio Allegri, called Correggio Descent of the Holy Ghost (detail)
Edouard-Leon Cortes Place de la Bastille
Jean-Baptiste-Emille Corot The Pantheon
Bruce Crane Autumn Scene (detail)
Robert Cremean Daphne
Robert Cremean Untitled
Donati Creti Venus and Adonis
Henry H. Cross Untitled (Moose Hunter)
Ludovico Cardi da Cigoli St. Francis of Assisi (detail)
Walter Dahn Untitled (detail)
Salvador Dali Sur la Plage (detail)
Salvador Dali Crucifixion (detail)
Jacques-Louis David Portrait of Bishop Louis Guillaume Valentin DuBourg (1766-1833)
Jacob DeWit Two Putti in Grisaille
Jacob DeWit Cupids at Play
Jacob DeWit Two Putti in Grisaille 1
Francois B. Deblois Untitled (Village Scene)
Francois B. Deblois Untitled (Rustic House)
Sonia Delaunay Circles (detail)
Michele Desubleo Saint Sebastian
Jim Dine Black and White Cubist Venus (detail)
Domenico Zampieri, called Domenichino Martyrdom of St. Cecilia
Pietro Dorazio Versionne della Campane (detail)
Jim Dow Establishments (detail)
Robert Dreyer Portrait of Reverend Maurice B. McNamee, S.J.
Albrecht Durer Self Portrait
Rene' Duvillier Abstraction (detail)
Rene' Duvillier Diables de Mer (Sea Devils) (detail)
Michael Eastman Courtyard, Barcelona (detail)
David Eisler Composition (detail)
Susan Eisler Untitled (Basic Proof) (detail)
Maurice Esteve Untitled Composition (detail)
Jean Alexandre Joseph Falguiere Abduction of Ganymede (detail)
Robert Forbes San Miguel Mission (detail)
Gunther Forg Untitled (Blue) (detail)
Gunther Forg Untitled (Green) (detail)
Johnny Friedlander Deux Chats (detail)
Eugene Gabritschewsky Untitled (Landscape) (detail)
Leopold Gast 91快活林 Medical School
Giacinto Gemignani Detail from the Death of St. Francis Xavier
Theodore Gerard Untitled (detail)
Hendrick Goltzius The Dragon Devouring the Fellows of Cadmus (detail)
Natalia Goncharova Femme en Kimono (detail)
Nancy Graves Radix (detail)
Richard Hamilton Kent State (detail)
Theodore A. Harris Pentagon Precinct Wallpaper (detail)
Theodore A. Harris Collage for a Phoney War (detail)
Matthew Hastings Untitled (Columns of the University of Missouri)
Ferdinand Heilbuth Tea in the Garden
Anton Heyboer Untitled 3 (detail)
Anton Heyboer Untitled 2 (detail)
Anton Heyboer Untitled 1 (detail)
Sir John Hoppner Mrs. Battle
Friedensreich Hundertwasser Haus und Spirale in Regen (detail)
Friedensreich Hundertwasser "Die Grippe" Missed Christmas - The Flu 632 (detail)
Leiko Ikemura Untitled (detail)
Leiko Ikemura Untitled (detail)
George Inness Untitled (View of Castel Gandolpho)
Jean-Robert Ipousteguy Le Voyage d'Ulysse (detail)
David James Cornish Breakers
Alexej Jawlensky Die Prophetin (detail)
Luis Jimenez Rodeo Queen Study (detail)
Jasper Johns Untitled (Coca Cola) (detail)
Joe Jones Missouri Wheat Farmers (detail)
Alphonse Jongers Portrait of Pierre Cartier (detail)
Alex Katz Olympic Swimmer (detail)
Ellsworth Kelly Colored Paper Image III (Blue Black Curves) (detail)
Edward Kienholz Volkssemp-fanger (detail)
Paul Klee Paysage avec des Colonnes noires (detail)
Paul Klee Wunderbare Landung Oder '112!' (detail)
Jiri Kolar Hommage a Mademoiselle Riviere (detail)
Pinchus Kremegne Untitled (Landscape in Ceret) (detail)
Louis Kronberg Before the Dance
Wilfredo Lam Primitive Masks (detail)
Andre Lanskoy Untitled (detail)
Mikhail Larionov Nature Morte (detail)
Achille Lauge La Garonne a Toulouse
Achille Lauge Le Parc Fleuri a Alet les Bains
Sir Thomas Lawrence J.W. Croker
Jean Pierre Le Boulch Il Faut Faire Vite (It Must Be Done Quickly) (detail)
Eric Lee Simply Put (detail)
Fernand Leger La Partie de Campagne (The Picnic) (detail)
Manner of Stanislas Lepine Terrassiers, au Trocadero (The Laborers of the Trocadero)
Louis Hector Leroux The Vestal (detail)
Charles Leslie The Path by Loch Katrine
Roy Lichtenstein Still Life with Picasso (detail)
Bernard Lorjou Still-Life with Pineapple (detail)
Bernard Lorjou Untitled (Seascape) (detail)
Markus Lupertz Parsifal (Men without Women) (detail)
Ari Marcopoulos Stockholm Nights (detail)
Ari Marcopoulos Justin (detail)
Brice Marden Etchings to Rexroth #16 (detail)
Brice Marden Etchings to Rexroth #15 (detail)
Marino Marini lL Miracolo (detail)
Andre Masson Untitled (detail)
Georges Mathieu Haute Stridance (detail)
Peter Max Portrait of a Woman (detail)
Emma Meyer Ophelia (detail)
Joan Mitchell Sun Flower 5 (detail)
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy Untitled (detail)
Adrian Moreau Untitled (Preparation for a Wedding)
Robert Motherwell Capriccio (7/30) (detail)
Herta Muller Untitled Composition (detail)
Gilbert Munger Untitled (Landscape)
Bartolome Esteban Murillo Sagrada Familia del Pajorito (Holy Family of the Little Bird) (detail)
Elizabeth Murray Blue Body (detail)
Alice Neel Evan's Twins (detail)
LeRoy Neiman Doubles (detail)
Louise Nevelson Totem's Presence (detail)
Rudalfo Nieto Peinture (detail)
Georges Noel Fenetre Blanche aux Sigues Romans (detail)
Eric Nordgulen Untitled (Chairman) (detail)
Gastone Novelli Lezione Per Il Creatore (detail)
Claes Oldenburg The Soft Screw (Arched Soft Screw as Building) (detail)
Bengt Olson Sans Litre Composition Printemps (detail)
Arthur Osver The Blue Cluster (detail)
Andrew E. Osze Silence (detail)
Gianfranco Pardi Percorso Interno (Inner Distance) (detail)
Francesco Maria Parmigiano Apothesis
Francesco Maria Parmigiano Apotheosis 2
Ed Paschke Kontata (detail)
Rembrandt Peale George Washington (detail)
Philip Pearlstein Two Nudes with Hammock (detail)
Gina Pellon Messieurs Les Ministres De La Sante Publique
Achille Perilli La Spida di Drake (detail)
Judy Pfaff China (detail)
Pablo Picasso Portrait of Poet Antonio Machado (detail)
Pablo Picasso Le Fumeur (The Smoker) (detail)
Arthur Luiz Piza Bourgeon (detail)
Serge Poliakoff Composition in Gray (detail)
Arnaldo Pomodoro Disco No. 2 (detail)
Daniel Quintero Alaska (detail)
Robert Rauschenberg Horsefeathers Thirteen III (detail)
Robert Rauschenberg Today (detail)
School of Guido Reni Mary Magdalene
Sam Reveles Untitled (Life Line Drawing) (detail)
Nancy Newman Rice Santorini Rocks (detail)
Ramon Rice Madonna of the Roses
Jean Paul Riopelle Feuille No. 1 (detail)
Hugo Robus Meditating Girl (detail)
Noel Rockmore Seated Couple: Woman with Bouquet (detail)
Norman Rockwell Untitled
Paulus Roetter The Matterhorn
James Rosenquist Miles (from America: The Third Century) (detail)
Dieter Roth Austellung (detail)
Niki de Saint Phalle Nana aux Fleurs (detail)
Maurice Savin La Printemps - Nude a la Fenetre (Spring - Nude Before a Window) (detail)
Max R. Scharf Let the Games Begin, #103 (detail)
Mario Schifano Matisse, Brancusi, Sogno (detail)
Nathanael Schmitt Portrait of Mary Elizabeth Boyse
Petrus Johann Schotel Untitled (Sailing Ships in Harbor) (detail)
Adolph Schreyer Traveller's Wagon
Sean Scully Santa Barbara #15 (detail)
Gail Singer Untitled (Flying Albatross) (detail)
Gustave Singier Baigneuse-Sables (detail)
Hassel Smith Painting No. 20 (detail)
James Smith Pretty Trap (detail)
Kiki Smith Constellations (detail)
Kiki Smith Carrier (detail)
Pierre Soulages Untitled (detail)
Frank Stella Sanbornville (from Eccentric Polygons) (detail)
Craig Subler Museum #17 (detail)
Craig Subler Museum #7 (detail)
Donald Sultan Orange Flowers (detail)
Wiktor Szostalo Group of Figures (detail)
Pietro Tacca St. Ignatius Loyola
Emilo Tadini The Rhinoceros (detail)
Emilo Tadini Vita di Voltaire - la Caduta (detail)
David Teniers the Younger The Scissors Grinder (detail)
David Teniers the Younger The Cobbler (detail)
Joe Tilson Transparency Snapshot (detail)
Gerard Titus-Carmel Le Parallepipide (detail)
Vecelli Tiziano (Titian) Venus, Adonis, and Cupid (detail)
Theodore Tobiasse Le Petit Taureau de St. Paul de Vence (detail)
Jack Tworkov Abstract in Red and Pink (detail)
Max Uhlig Untitled (Frauenbildnis nach rechts) (detail)
Pieter Coecke van Aelst Adoration of the Magi
Henry Van Balen Holy Family with Grapes
Michiel van Miereveldt Portrait of a Lady
Jan Van Os Untitled
Jan Van Os Floral Still Life
Jan I. van Rillaert Scenes from the Crucifixion
Antoine Vollon Untitled (Coastal Village)
Andy Warhol Joseph Beuys in Memoriam
Tom Wesselmann Julia Trying on Clothes
August Wolf The Enthralling Story (detail)
Bertha Hewitt Woolrych Nude
Zao Wou-Ki Peinture 24.4.64 (detail)
Zao Wou-Ki Notre Dame de Paris (detail)
Domenico Zampieri, called Domenichino Martyrdom of St.Cecilia (detail)
Bernard Zimmerman The Non-Conformist (detail)