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Chaifetz Faculty Research

As experts in their fields, the faculty at 91¿ì»îÁÖ's Chaifetz School of Business regularly publish leading research in today's top academic journals. Their innovative inquiries and impactful publications form the basis for best practices across business and shape our current understanding of industry.

Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications 


Duellman, Scott, & Sun, Yan. (2023). Targets’ Accounting Conservatism and the Gains from Acquisition. Contemporary Accounting Research, 40(1), 7-40 (Lead Article).

Sun, Yan. (2023). Unveil the Veil of Limited Liability: Evidence from Firm Investment. The Financial Review, forthcoming.    

Duellman, Scott (2022). Political Connections and the Tradeoff between Real and Accrual-based Earnings Management. Contemporary Accounting Research, 39(4), 2730-2757.

Sun, Yan, & Wang, Xu. (2022). Relative Performance Goals and Management Earnings Guidance. Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.

Hurwitz, Helen, & Sun, Yan. (2022). Regulation Fair Disclosure and the Timeliness of Long-Horizon Management Forecasts. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, forthcoming.

Wang, Xu. (2022). Does Voluntary ESG Reporting Resolve Disagreement Among ESG Rating Agencies? European Accounting Review, forthcoming.

Wang, Weimin. (2022) Do Managers’ Professional Connections Benefit Their Firms in Mergers and Acquisitions: Chinese Evidence. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60, 679-713.

Duellman, Scott. (2020). A New Approach to Estimating the Relation Between Audit Fees and Financial Misconduct. Accounting Horizons, 34(2).

Pike, Debra N. (2020). Using Site Visits to Strengthen Collaboration. The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 16(1).  

Sun, Yan. (2020). How Does Greater Bank Competition Affect Borrower Screening? Evidence from a Natural Experiment Based on China’s WTO Entry. Journal of Corporate Finance, 65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2020.101776

Wang, Weimin. (2020). Anti-Corruption and Corporate Tax Burden: Evidence from China. International Review of Finance, 20(3), 781-788.  

Wang, Xu. (2020). High-Frequency Traders and Price Informativeness During Earnings Announcements. Review of Accounting Studies, 25.


Islam, Muhammad. (2020). Effect of Climate Change on Child Nutrition: Evidence from Natural Experiments in Bangladesh, 19. World Development Perspectives.

Rapach, David. (2020). Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Stock Return Forecasting: New Machine Learning Methods. Machine Learning for Asset Management: New Developments and Financial Applications, 16(1).

Rapach, David. (2021). Anomalies and the Expected Market Return. Journal of Finance.

Rapach, David. (2021). The Rise and Decline of a University. Power and Protest at an American University: No Confidence, No Fear (1st Ed.). Routledge.


Chakrabarty, Bidisha. (2020). CFO Gender and Financial Statement Irregularities. Academy of Management Journal, 63(3).  

Chakrabarty, Bidisha. (2020). Do High Frequency Traders Bring Fundamental Information Into Prices? Review of Accounting Studies.  

Painter, Marcus. (2020). Pursuing Stakeholder Capitalism is an Impossible Task When Stakeholders Have Different Beliefs. Milton Friedman 50 years Later. 


Hogan, Toschia M. (2020). On the Front Lines of Disclosure: A Conceptual Framework of Disclosure Events. Organizational Psychology Review, 10(3-4), 201-222.

Kaplan, David. (2020). Promoting LGBT Inclusion and Scholarship: Using the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices: A Research Compendium. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.

Katz, Jerome. (2021). What I’ve Learned About Teaching Entrepreneurship: Perspectives of Five Master Educators. Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 2021. 

Katz, Jerome. (2021). How Do Internationalizing Firms Emerge? Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15.

Niederman, Fred. (2021). The Quest for Innovation in IS Research: Recognizing, Stimulating, and Promoting Novel and Useful Knowledge. Journal of AIS.

Niederman, Fred. (2021). A Minimalist View on Theory: Why This Promises Advancement for the IS Discipline. Data Base. 

Niederman, Fred. (2021). Project Management: Openings for Disruption From AI and Advanced Analytics. Information Technology & People.

Tang, Jintong. (2020). Information Diversity and Innovation for Born-Globals. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37, 1039-1060.

Tang, Jintong. (2021). Being Alert to New Opportunities: It’s a Matter of Time. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15.


Arnold, Mark J. (2020). Consumer Legitimacy: Conceptualization and Measurement Scales. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(4), 385-397.

Arnold, Mark J. (2020). Collaborative Consumption, Social Distance, and the Extended Self. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(4), 413-422.

Carlson, Bradley. (2020). Brand Outcomes in Sales Channel Relationships: A Guanxi Theory Perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 36(7), 1191-1212.

Kelting, Katherine. (2021). Location, Location...Mailing Location? The Impact of Address as a Signal. Journal of Business Research, 128.

Operations & IT Management

Bera, Palash. (2020). Interactions Between Analysts in Developing Collaborative Conceptual Models. Information Systems Frontiers, 23, 561-573.

Cheng, Sherri. (2020). Physician Payments Sunshine Act: The Impact of Information Disclosure Policy on Prescription. The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).

Goodson, Justin. (2020). On Modeling Stochastic Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems. EURO Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 9(2).

Goodson, Justin. (2020). frvcpy: An Open-Source Solver for the Fixed Route Vehicle Charging Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing.

Goodson, Justin. (2020). Electric Vehicle Routing with Public Charging Stations. Transportation Science, 55(3), 553-813.

Goodson, Justin. (2020). Dynamic Ride-Hailing with Electric Vehicles. Transportation Science.

Other Academic Contributions

Benmamoun, Mamoun. (2021). Introduction. Issues in Global Business. 

Cheng, Sherri. (2020). Is Transparency Alone Enough? Investigating the Impact of Pharmaceutical Company Payment Disclosure on Physician Prescribing Behavior. Conference on Health IT and Analytics Proceeding.

Goodson, Justin. (2020). Optimal Service Time Windows [Presentation]. Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 

Katz, Jerome. (2020). The Path to Funding [Presentation]. BME 3000 - Engineering Entrepreneurship Class at Parks College, 91¿ì»îÁÖ, St. Louis, MO. 

Katz, Jerome. (2020, Nov. 9-13). Entrepreneurship @ 91¿ì»îÁÖ[Presentation]. St. Louis Regional Startup Week Resource Fair, St. Louis, MO. 

Katz, Jerome. (2021). Strategizing About Entrepreneurship Research [Presentation]. Ph.D. Seminar in Research Methods in Entrepreneurship, St. Louis, MO.

Katz, Jerome. (2021). Pursuing Entrepreneurship in St. Louis and Beyond [Presentation]. UMSL Accelerate: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Accelerator, St. Louis, MO. 

Katz, Jerome. (2021). Five Ways to Assess Feasibility [2021]. McGraw-Hill Entrepreneurship Webinar, Virtual Conference.

Painter, Marcus. (2020, Sept. 10-11). Consumer Response to Corporate Political Statements: Evidence from Geolocation Data [Presentation]. Political Economy of Finance 2020 at Chicago Booth, Chicago, IL. 

Painter, Marcus. (2020, Sept. 25-27). Are Crowded Crowds Still Wise? Evidence From Financial Analysts’ Geographic Diversity [Presentation]. Northern Finance Association Annual Conference, Virtual Conference. 

Painter, Marcus. (2020, Oct. 30-31). Consumer Response to Corporate Political Statements: Evidence from Geolocation Data [Presentation]. The 17th Washington University in St. Louis Corporate Finance Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Painter, Marcus. (2020, Dec. 3-4). The Value of Differing Points of View: Evidence From Financial Analysts’ Geographic Diversity [Presentation]. NBER Big Data and Securities Conference, Virtual Conference. 

Rapach, David. (2020, Nov. 11-12). Now - and Backcasting Initial Claims with High-Dimensional Daily Internet Search-Volume Data [Presentation]. Banca d’Italia and Federal Reserve Board Joint Conference on Nontraditional Data & Statistical Learning with Applications to Macroeconomics, Virtual Conference.

Singh, Nitish. (2020). Digital and Social Media Marketing: Emerging Applications and Theoretical Development (Advances in Theory and Practice of Emerging Markets) 1st Edition. Springer.

Tang, Jintong. (2020, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2). Emergence of Entrepreneurial Orientation at the Intercept of Cognition and Behavior: An Examination of Entrepreneurial Alertness and Bricolage as Antecedents [Presentation]. The 24th Annual Disciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and SMEs ‚ G-Forum Virtual Conference. 

Tang, Jintong. (2021, June 1 - 4). Environmental Uncertainty and Effectuation for Entrepreneurial vs. Conservative Firms [Presentation]. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Virtual Conference, Wellesley, MA. 

Tang, Jintong. (2021, June 14 - 16). Alert the Authorities: A Review of the Chronic Misconception of Alertness in Entrepreneurship Research [Presentation]. Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Conference, Sorbonne - Virtual Conference.

Thompson, Scott A. (2021, Feb. 17 - 19). Chickens Versus Eggs: Do Brand Community Members Evolve into Product Category Community Members? [Presentation]. Winter AMA 2021 Conference, Virtual Conference. 

Vorotyntseva, Yulia. (2020, Dec. 16 -18). The Vertical Spillover Effect of Online Ratings on Platform Competition: An Empirical Investigation [Presentation]. The 30th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Virtual Conference.