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Course Syllabus Information

Research indicates that syllabi can increase student motivation and create equitable learning environments through transparency about key expectations for student learning and engagement. Consistent with the University鈥檚 Course Syllabus Policy, all courses at 91快活林 are expected to have a syllabus, and all syllabi are expected to provide students with basic information about key aspects of the course.

Below are the required syllabus components for all 91快活林courses, as well as recommended syllabus components and other considerations that can enhance syllabi.

Please note: Academic units and programs (like the University Undergraduate Core) may require you to include additional information in your syllabus. Please check with program leaders if you need information about additional, program-specific syllabus content you should include. 

Required Syllabus Components

The University's Course Syllabus Policy aims to ensure that all students have access to consistent information about their courses and about University-level policies. The policy identifies nine components that must be a part of every course syllabus. These nine components constitute a minimum; academic units may require additional components, and instructors may choose to include other information. The policy specifies the information that must be included in every course syllabus, but it does not dictate a particular format or order for how this information is presented in a syllabus. For distance courses, instructors also are expected to include additional information for students (such as technology requirements). Academic units may require additional components to be included in course syllabi, and individual instructors certainly will want to add other course-specific information, as well. Required syllabus statements are available as a module in the Canvas Commons, for those who wish to import the statements directly into their Canvas courses. Download a printer-friendly version.

1. Course Information
  1. Course number/section
  2. Course meeting time(s) [if applicable]
  3. Location [if applicable]
  4. Pre-requisites/Co-requisites [if applicable]
  5. Catalog Course Description
2. Instructor Information
  1. Instructor name (including TA and peer instructors, if applicable)
  2. Where, when, and how to contact the instructor
3. Learning

a. List course learning outcomes, objectives, and/or competencies

4. Required Materials and/or Equipment
  1. Textbooks and/or course texts
  2.  Other materials and/or equipment (e.g., calculators, art supplies, lab safety equipment, medical equipment, hardware requirements, software access, virtual proctoring requirements, digital storage devices, special clothing, musical instruments, etc.)
5. Evaluation and Grading
  1. List of components on which students will be evaluated (e.g., exams, projects, essays, participation, presentations, etc.)
  2. Grading scale(s) governing the course
  3. Policy on late or missing work/exams
  4. Penalties on missed classes and/or tardiness [if applicable]
  5. Catalog Course Description
6. Attendance
  1. Expectations for student attendance/presence in the course (Note: .)
8. Disability Accommodations

Insert and/or link to the required Disability Accommodations Syllabus Statement
Note: Due to accreditation requirements, regulatory differences, and/or location-specific resources, the School of Law, the School of Medicine, and SLU-Madrid have their own standard language for syllabus statements related to disability accommodations. Faculty in those units should seek guidance for syllabus requirements from their dean's office.

9. Title IX

Insert and/or link to the required Title IX Syllabus Statement
Note: Due to accreditation requirements, regulatory differences, and/or location-specific resources, the School of Law, the School of Medicine, and SLU鈥擬adrid have their own standard language for syllabus statements related to Title IX. Faculty in those units should seek guidance for syllabus requirements from their dean's office.

10. Generative AI

Provide written information to make explicit whether or not GAI use is acceptable in the course and, if so, in what ways and in which circumstances. 

If/how students are permitted to use GAI (in a course, in a specific assignment, etc.) is determined by each individual instructor, unless otherwise directed by their academic leadership (e.g., chair, director, dean). There is no single, University-level syllabus statement about GAI use. 

Note: The Reinert Center offers sample templates for syllabus statements (with a range of possible positions) that can be customized for instructors who choose to use them.

Recommended Syllabus Components

In addition to the nine required components listed above, many instructors also find it useful to include information about or guidance on a range of other topics. The following list is drawn from common practices at SLU, as well as from the literature on effective syllabus construction and on creating inclusive courses that support student learning and success. This list is by no means exhaustive or in order of priority. Note: For some academic units, items on this list also may be required. Download a printer-friendly version.

Other Course Information
  • An expanded description of the course, its priorities, key concepts, etc.
  • Course schedule with due dates for assignments, exams, reading, and other activities
  • Disclaimer about the possibility of changes to the course schedule
Other Instructor Information
  • Instructor office location and office hours
  • Instructor Zoom link and virtual office hours
Information about Learning Activities/Assignments
  • Description of informal learning activities students will engage in (e.g., informal in-class activities, participation expectations, service-learning experiences, etc.)
  • Articulation of the link between course assignments/activities and state learning outcomes, objectives, and/or competencies
Other Information about Course Materials
  • Recommended and/or optional readings or texts
  • Information about accessing electronic reserves
Information about Academic Support Resources
Information about Other Student Support Resources
Additional Information about Academic Honesty
  • Unit-level academic honesty policies and practices [if applicable]
  • Course-specific guidance on academic honesty
  • Statements of professional ethics or codes of conduct [if applicable]
Other Course-Specific Information
  • Insert a basic needs security syllabus statement (like this one, which was developed at 91快活林to alert students to campus resources for things like food and shelter insecurity)
  • Course etiquette/civility policies or other expectations about interactions between and among members of the class
    • With a significant number of 91快活林courses now being conducted via various distance education modalities, a University-wide recommended syllabus statement on distance education etiquette is warranted. This statement is recommended for all syllabi for all courses at all locations (except the Madrid Campus) offered by the colleges/schools and other academic units reporting to the University Provost.
  • Information about what will happen in cases of inclement weather
  • Information about relevant safety/security protocols and procedures (e.g., location of eye wash stations, active shooter response, etc.)
  • Distinction between "excused" and "unexcused" absences [if applicable and consistent with ]
  • Statement that student work in the course may be used in course/program assessment
  • Information about requirements for experiential/off-campus learning (e.g., liability waiver, background check, internship learning contract, service expectations, etc.)

Other Considerations for Course Syllabi

Below are additional suggestions drawn from the literature on effective syllabus construction and adopted by some 91快活林instructors. The Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning can assist instructors who wish to learn more about items on this list. The Reinert Center website also may provide additional information about these considerations. Download a printer-friendly version. 

Adopt Universal Design Standards

You can use to ensure syllabi are accessible for all students. The Reinert Center also provides programming and resources to support the adoption of universal design standards.

Consider Adding a Graphic Syllabus

A graphic/visual representation of the major components of a course can help students connect to the larger purpose of a course and/or to better understand the relationships among the components of the course. Learn more about the content of a graphic syllabus .

Consider Content Statements or Warnings for Specific Course Content

Sometimes called "trigger" warnings, a content warning may be appropriate if your course includes content that may inadvertently trigger students who have experienced trauma. The Reinert Center provides some information on creating inclusive content statements.

Share your Teaching Philosophy

Sharing a brief description of your philosophy of teaching can give students a way of understanding what they will experience in your course and why.

Articulate What Constitutes Engagement in Your Course

Explaining what constitutes successful "engagement" or "participation" in your course helps to make those expectations explicit and visible to all learners. This can be especially helpful for first-generation and international students, as well as others whose backgrounds may not have prepared them well to understand the "hidden rules" of successful academic engagement.

Share Tips for Success

Consider sharing tips for how to be successful in the course. For example, you might provide guidance on effective study strategies for your particular content area or tips for how to read course content effectively. Generic study or reading strategies may not work for your particular discipline or the kinds of concepts or texts you teach. Being transparent about what successful students do in your course or your discipline can help students meet your high expectations.